Over the years, many of our talented and successful students have managed to go abroad, study, and finally settle down. Some are in the process of doing so. It is…
How long to prepare for IELTS Reading?
Introduction IELTS Reading is not rocket science. You should not require an awful amount of time to master it, and a little planned effort on your part should do the…
IELTS Reading: Tip #1
Different question types require distinct approaches. And that is how it should be. This is the logical way to deal with the Reading problems. No place for “tips and tricks”…
Many students ask me whether or not they should use ‘difficult’ words. Do they need to know lots of them? It doesn’t really matter if you know 500, 1500, or…
Thoughts. . .
“A poem begins as a lump in the throat…” – Robert Frost Very True. Don’t we come across lines, which are simply unforgettable? Remember how you thrilled to Shakespeare’s…
Canada’s International student community
The number of overseas students studying in Canada at any given point in time varies with the reporting organization that is being quoted. Global Affairs Canada (GAC) includes both short…
Want to study in Canada? Answer the questions
Foreword So you wish to study abroad. I wonder why. Is it because you would like to settle down there after completing your study? Work on a post-study work…
“Strange bedfellows” : IELTS & Creativity
We are aware that the above expression refers to unlikely companions or allies. And one doesn’t have to look far for instances. Laurel and Hardy are world-renowned examples. The pair…