From the Archives #4

There can be no denying that Anoushka is an extremely intelligent candidate. After all, achieving that Express Entry score is not easy. Many have tried and failed, finally opting to take either the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) route, or the Study Pathways to Permanent Residence. And then there are the adventurous few who choose to go down the much more expensive and riskier Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) path.

My student was in the same boat as well. She had missed her target by a whisker in the first attempt. A 6-band score in Reading denied her the ticket to the rock concert. And so, she approached me, insisting that I focus on her Reading paper. That demand was reasonable, but when she started attending only those classes where Reading was being done, I objected and warned her against neglecting Speaking, Listening, and Reading.

Can I really blame her, though? All of you are guilty of it, aren’t you? I love you guys, but sometimes it is so frustrating to hear: Don’t worry Samit, I got those under control. They didn’t trouble me the last time. I just need your assistance in this module.

You get my drift, right? 🙂

Accordingly, Anoushka got a firm grip of the Reading section, and took the exam a second time. She missed the bus once again. On this occasion, Writing, was her undoing, because she was able to score only a 6.5 band. Perforce I had to intervene. Advised her to sit for the exam a third time on February 25, 2023. Told her in no uncertain terms that this time we do it my way. Drew up a 2-week schedule and monitored her progress till her exam date.

The call came from her on the 3rd of March. She had made it. The twinkling lights of a foreign shore just got brighter. My student is ready to spread her wings and fly.

Time for me to step aside and applaud from the sidelines.


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