Terms and Conditions

  • Each prospective candidate is eligible for 1 trial class only

  • Seats will be allotted on a first-come-first-serve basis

  • A student’s classes will commence only after the payment of the fees has been made. If the student is not able to attend the classes due to some unforeseen reason for more than 6 months, she has to make a fresh payment of the full tuition fee in order to continue her classes.​​

  • Payment, once made, is non-refundable.

  1. If the student is unable to continue the classes due to some reason, he/ she can take up the course within 6 months of the date of payment.
  2. He/ She can also decide to opt for another course instead.
  3. Further, one of his/her relative can do in their place.
  • The accepted modes of payment are cash, bank transfer, Google Pay, and Paytm. Cheques, demand drafts are not accepted  

  • Payments are to be usually made in full. However, if the 2-month part payment facility is availed, then an additional charge (10%) will be levied on the total fee *. ​

  •  All taxes will have to be fully paid at the very beginning before the start of the first class

  • If the student intimates the Academy of her inability to attend a particular session, citing the reason for the same, she will be marked ‘Excused’. Else it will be noted as an ‘unauthorised absence’, and will be counted towards the final tally of classes taken.

  • The number of extra classes provided is at the sole discretion of the Academy. However, it will be our constant endeavour to ensure that each student understands all aspects of the course, and is ready to face the test with complete confidence.

  • All interested are advised to familiarise themselves at the very outset with the Terms and Conditions. The Academy reserves the right to change any part of it, at any given point in time, and without necessary prior notice.

* NB: Part-payment option is available only for Online group IELTS classes. The other courses do not qualify for this facility. ​

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