Ask Samit #3

“Do I really need coaching for IELTS? I mean, I have scored 90% in English in my Boards.”

Coaching can be of great help to you. Provided you support your mentor. She helps you to structure your preparation. The coach will tell you:

  • what and when to study
  • what study material to consult and where to access them
  • what length of time is required for a solid preparation

But coaching is effective only if you faithfully follow your teacher’s instructions. You should

  • Do the homework every day. I, for one, not only give homework to my classes, but also email a sheet with home assignments that will keep them busy for 6 weeks. The students are to religiously follow that schedule as the modules are completed one by one.
  • Attend the classes regularly. This cannot be overemphasized. IELTS is no rocket science but requires a certain amount of practice. A little only. But every day. Do that, and you will successfully clear the test. Also, being surrounded by other equally talented candidates will force the best out of you. I have had online students telling me that they couldn’t get enough practice because “they were so busy with work”. Look, I too have been in the corporate field for years and know that there is nothing called free time when you are in office. You have to take out time. This is your life. Your dream. Most definitely, deciding to take IELTS is your decision. You work things out. No one else can. No one else is interested either.
  • Stay focused at all times. Online classes can be equally effective. Provided you don’t switch off when the teacher shifts focus to another student. Listen to what each person has to say. Note the mistakes being pointed out. Pay attention to each scrap of advice. Dos and don’ts – they are all discussed in the class – though they may not be specifically meant for you. All these are inputs that you should gladly receive and hold on to. A 2-minute topic given to someone in the class, may actually show up in your speaking test!
  • Ask questions. We are quite good at what we do. We have to, if you are to choose some of us over the others. However, whoever said that coaches are magicians? How are we to address your doubts so that they may be cleared at the earliest? You have to let us know. Any time you don’t understand something, say so. Make a noise about it, interrupt us, demand that the point be cleared up before proceeding any further. We will be thankful. For, this only makes our job easier. Also remember, the teacher may not be in a frame of mind to take you aside and explain your doubts painstakingly. Why take a risk when you can get your answer in the class itself?

Follow these steps. And you will squeeze a lot more out of your IELTS Online classes than you do at present.

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